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MEA seeks submissions for its digital magazines throughout the year. We publish military veteran writers or family members who are interested in writing military-themed literary fiction.
You have a couple of options when submitting a piece to us, either of which will allow you to be considered for publication:  

  • If you are willing to revise your work, one of our staff will provide you with one-on-one consultation and guidance as you work through drafts. Their goal is to help you draft a polished, publishable piece. The editors assigned to you are professional writers, educators, and published authors who have volunteered to help veterans and families learn the craft of writing. MEA’s primary mission is to help veterans and family members build their skills in creative expression, and we strongly encourage you to take us up on our offer. 
  • We also understand that not everyone is willing to revise their work for one reason or another, and would just like to have their piece considered for publication. You have the option of having our editors consider your submission on the basis of simple acceptance or rejection. 

**Please note the following**

  • One submission per writer
  • Maximum 3,500 words  
  • Please double space the document and use 12pt font 
  • Stories must be military-themed
  • Submitting and/or working with an editor does not guarantee publication. Though all work will be considered, and every writer given an opportunity to learn and revise, we simply can't publish everything submitted to us. Editors reserve the right to reject pieces that are inappropriate, out of genre, not military themed, etc. 
  • We will not, under any circumstances, consider work that has been previously published elsewhere. 
  • If you are writing outside of your personal experience, please conduct the research required to render a piece in your  piece credibly. Our editors are here to assist you in the craft of writing, not to serve as technical advisers for technical and historical details.
  •  In the past we have tried to workshop everything that’s been submitted. The average number of submissions received each period has increased well beyond our capacity, however. Beginning July 2020, we will be implementing a submissions cap per each genre that applies to those pieces seeking editorial guidance. It will be commensurate with editorial staffing in a given submission period. This will ensure that those writers with whom we can work will receive quality mentoring. We will work with as many writers as we can, but we will not be able to work with everyone. Thank you for your understanding. 

-Please review our copyright and privacy policy at
-Here are some specific guidelines from our editors for your reference:

If you have any questions, please email the Editor-in-Chief at

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.